Health Screenings & Risk Assessments

What is a preventive health screening?

A preventive health screening is a test, physical examination or other procedure used to detect a particular disease or condition you may have or are at risk of developing before you begin showing any symptoms. Screenings allow for early detection of risk markers or as-yet-unrecognized conditions.

Why are screenings important?

Preventive health screenings are important because early detection can result in better outcomes. As men and women age, there are health screening services that become more important to have. Age is a risk factor for many life-changing diseases, and prevention is your body’s best defense.

Are preventive health screenings covered by my insurance?

Most likely. Many health plans are required to cover a set of preventive services – like shots and screening tests – at no cost to you. These services are usually free when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network. Check with your provider to learn more.